Submission on the Customer and Product Data Bill

9 Sep 2024

Payments NZ has made a submission to Parliament’s Economic Development, Science and Innovation Committee in response to the Customer and Product Data Bill, which was introduced to the House in late July. 

We welcome the Bill’s introduction, and support its goal of establishing a thriving consumer data regime for Aotearoa New Zealand. 

In our submission we look at key factors to make the CPD framework a success, including ensuring an ongoing pipeline of innovative and well-managed technical and operational standards, which are fundamental to any open data ecosystem. 

Our submission provides a recommended model to address these key areas within the Bill and help provide the foundations for a world-class consumer data regime for Aotearoa.  

We also suggest a range of other improvements to build upon the Bill’s strengths, simplify it where appropriate, and extend its protections for consumers. 

You can read our full submission here.