We publish our company updates three times a year to keep you informed about the work we’re doing. You can read our current and past updates below. 

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June 2024 update

2024 is shaping up as a significant year for Payments NZ, with a wide range of work taking place across the API Centre, Payments Direction, clearing systems, events, regulatory and industry engagement, and more. Read our full update on the first six months of the year below.

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December 2023 report

This report covers our 2023 highlights, and includes the move to seven-day payments, the delivery of ISO20022 messaging and the introduction of a new open banking implementation plan.

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July 2023 update

We’ve had a busy start to 2023 and delivered some very significant pieces of work and ticked off important industry milestones, all while keeping the momentum going across our broader work programme. Read our full company update below.

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December 2022 update

In this update, we share highlights from our work with the industry in 2022, and look forward to what the future holds for us in 2023.

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August 2022 update

As we move towards the last quarter of 2022, read about the progress and significant milestones achieved across work programmes.

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May 2022 update

In our first update for 2022, we look at what’s happening across all our work programmes and how they’re currently progressing.

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December 2021 update

In this update, we share highlights from our work with the industry in 2021, and look forward to what the future holds for us in 2022.

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September 2021 update

Read about the work we've been progressing this year as we head into the final quarter of 2021.

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April 2021 update

Read about what we've been up to for the first quarter of 2021, our current work programme and what's coming up for the rest of the year.

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December 2020 update

Read about the progress we've made as an industry during 2020 and the work we'll be focusing on next year, in our end-of-year company update.

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July 2020 update

In our first full update for 2020, we reflect on the past few months and the first half of the year, including how we've adapted our industry work during COVID-19, and continued to progress our work programme.

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December 2019 update

In our last update for 2019, we reflect on what we've achieved as an industry this year and also look to the year ahead.

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August 2019 update

This is our latest company update since we launched the API Centre. Find out what's been happening with the centre and other initiatives we're working on.

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April 2019 update

In this first edition for 2019, we update you on the latest around our API initiative, and what else we’re doing to ensure our payments system remains progressive and world class.

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December 2018 update

Read about our 2018 highlights, and get a glimpse into what the future holds for the industry in our end-of-year company update. Happy holidays.

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August 2018 update

This is the first edition of our company update where we’ll keep you informed about the work we’re doing with industry to make payments simple and secure for Kiwis.

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